
There are excellent tutorials on the Internet for getting started with Keycloak (we have several ones too here!). When it comes to the nitty-gritty details, though, you might better be off with a jump-start educational package from one of our Keycloak experts.

You will learn about the concepts and capabilities of Keycloak, learn how to integrate with your particular enterprise environment, and even explore how to write custom extensions to meet your very specific needs.

You can book the following Keycloak training with us:

Keycloak IAM

The content of the course is:

UnitTypeContent / Topics
1Theory / Terms
  • IT Security
  • Identity & Access Management (IAM)
  • SAML / OAuth / OIDC
2Theory / Hands-On
  • Keycloak Installation
  • Keycloak Features
  • Keycloak Configuration
  • User Federation with openLDAP
  • Identity Provider / Identity Brokering (incl. mapper)
4Hands-On / Development
  • Build your own Client Applications
5Hands-On / Development
  • Build your own Custom Extensions

The target audience is developers, software engineers, and DevOps engineers, that want a jump-start introduction to Keycloak and can write custom extensions. Please note that custom extensions are written in Java. A course without writing custom extensions can also be offered.

The course duration is 3 days. The course documentation is in English. The training is held in either German or English. The minimum number of participants is 3, while the maximum number of participants is 8.

Book your course

Please call us at +41 43 343 20 20 or send us an e-mail at [email protected].